
26 Risultati / Pagina 2 di 3



Getting Started With Data Management

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

today2 Settembre 2021 15


How expensive a camera do you need for good video?

The gear doesn’t matter, right? It’s a bit of cliché but that’s for good reason. We can end up using lack of gear as an excuse either for not creating something or explaining away someone else’s success. For a long time I’ve thought that while true, there were limits to this idea but thanks to this video from Think Media, I’m starting to think I might have been wrong. Maybe you don’t need an expensive camera to make a good […]

today2 Settembre 2021 5


Motives and Metrics In Church Life and Media [Podcast #330]

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

today2 Settembre 2021 4


Matt Hogg – Digital & Social Media for Church [Podcast #331]

Matt Hogg joins Blessing Mpofu and Chris Wilson and talks on church digital and social media. Matt is a vicar (pastor) in London, and talks about his initial apprehension to digital and social media and how it changed. Not only that, but he also shares his journey from consumer to creator. He speaks from a vantage point of a church leader and how his church made strides in this area. Full of practical and actionable ideas and tips, this is worth your while. […]

today2 Settembre 2021 5


Working Cross Denominationally & Culturally [Podcast #332]

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

today2 Settembre 2021 3


One of the Stupidest Things I Did in 44 Years of Marriage

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

today2 Settembre 2021 3


10 Questions to Consider if You’re a Pastor Thinking about Leaving Your Church

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

today2 Settembre 2021 3


What Will Happen to the All-White Church in America? Ten Trends in the Next Ten Years

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

today2 Settembre 2021 4


Two Simple Ways to Think about Your Church’s Social Media

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

today2 Settembre 2021 6

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